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AERIS Webinar: Cleaner Air through Smarter Transportation: State of the Practice Assessments of the AERIS Research Program



This webinar will summarize findings from two state of the practice assessments conducted for the USDOT's AERIS program. The first assessment identified applications that have demonstrated environmental benefits through use of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies. The second assessment focused on techniques that could be used to evaluate the environmental impacts of ITS deployments.

The webinar will address the following topics:

•AERIS State of the Practice Assessments: Chris Pangilinan of USDOT will lead the webinar with an overview of AERIS state-of-the-practice assessments.

•Findings from the AERIS Applications State-of-the-Practice Assessment: Katie Miller of Noblis will discuss demand and access management applications, eco-driving applications, logistics and fleet management applications, traffic management applications, as well as freight and transit applications. She will also discuss how ITS can potentially support use of alternative fuel vehicles.

•State of the Practice of Techniques for Evaluating the Environmental Impacts of ITS Deployment: Richard Glassco of Noblis will discuss evaluation techniques in three categories including direct measurements of vehicle emissions and fuel use, infrastructure-based air quality measurements, and modeling.


The transport sector accounts for approximately 28 percent of greenhouse gas in the U.S. Vehicles represent almost 80 percent of transport sector greenhouse gas. ITS can play a vital role in reducing vehicle miles traveled, improving vehicle efficiency, and reducing petroleum consumption—all of which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The AERIS program was launched in 2010 and is currently sponsoring research and working with stakeholders to assess the ways in which real-time transportation system data could improve the operation of the surface transportation network.

The AERIS program vision is to generate, capture, and analyze vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure data to create actionable information that allows surface transportation system users and operators to make “green” transportation choices. The program aims to leverage existing and future research, data sets, and technologies to develop, enhance, and model ITS applications that are proven to reduce the negative impacts of transportation on the environment. Another program goal is to explore how AERIS data sets may improve or validate assumptions of environmental and other models.

Learning Objectives:

•Understand AERIS program foundational research activities.

•Learn more and stimulate creative thinking about potential applications of real-time data to reduce vehicle emissions.

•Learn about methods to evaluate the environmental benefits of ITS deployment. Target Audience State and local DOT staff, policy researchers, ITS software and system developers, environmental advocates, consultants, academics, and others with an interest in the potential to use real-time transportation system data to reduce environmental impacts.

Operations Area of Practice

    Connected Vehicles
    Systems engineering
    Automated vehicles

Organizational Capability Element

    Project Development
    System Architecture / Engineering
    Standards and Interoperability

Publishing Organization

TOM Chapters
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